
The composer Elena Sokolovski has chosen Israel as the center of her life and creation since 1995.
In 1994 she graduated with excellence from Moscow State Conservatory named for P.I. Tchaikovsky, the faculty: “Composition and theory of music”.
In 2005 she received the AKUM award in the category: “The best new musical creation for the year 2005”.
The music of Elena Sokolovski is professional and uncompromising, if something contradicts the musical quality. It combines the traditional musical basis, on the one part, as well as the modern composition methods and the maximal use of musical instruments, on another part.
Her various compositions are performed in Israel (the conductors:  Noam Sharif, Omri Hadari,  Avner Biron, Leonti Wolf, the Chamber Ensemble of Modern Music, the Israel Chamber Orchestra, the "Israel Camerata" Jerusalem, the Chamber Orchestra “Classika”, Ashdod Symphony Orchestra, the soloist drummer Chen Zimbalista, the violinist Alexander Vinnitsky, the violinist Galina Gluskin, the soloists of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Lior Eitan, Julia Rovinski, Soprano Keren Hadar etc.). Elena Sokolovski  is a regular participant at internationals festivals, including the festival "Russian Harp" in Moscow.
Additionally, it is possible to listen to Elena Sokolovski’s creations in the Israel, USA, Russia, Germany, Greece, Austria, Yugoslavia etc.

Judges’ opinion
Elena Sokolovski creates a merger of the rich musical culture within which she grew up with the openness for the new sound nuances, creating her own personal language: lyrical, balanced and restrained.
Her compositions spread over various areas: the chamber, orchestra and vocal music in various ensembles – some of them non-conventional, with an excellent command of variegated writing techniques. Her creations are full of inspiration and originality, characterized by exquisite expressivity and sometimes inertwined with subtle humor and a measure of optimism. She breaks in a natural way the traditional structures of harmony and melody without the need for extreme effects. The erasure of borders between tonality and atonality, modality and avant-garde – are shaped with a sense of proportion and with great taste.